Hello Savannah, it is great to hear from you again. You say you are just 28, l am just coming up to 62. The insecurities and doubts you feel are just as real for me today as they were when I was 28. You have achieved an enormous amount by controlling those things in your life that lead you from your path, and you will continue to have to be vigilant along your path in life. I to quit Facebook and Instagram as I found the platforms toxic and time consuming. I could not justify the good over the bad so I quit. Substack on the other hand is a place I can express myself and also educate and help others, but as I am new to writing I find it difficult to motivate myself but I persist.

What you having done quitting is great, and keep it up, but like learning a new skill or activity, the initial learning curve is great. After 2 or 3 years you feel that things have flattened out bur in reality those new skill you learn are probably greater than many of the initial basic skills you initially learnt. You build on past experience, and it can seem like small incremental gains but in reality every after 2 years those new skills will be valuable to you.

Last words I promise, you are doing very well, your writing does have an influence on at least one other person and I would be saddened if I thought that you would stop. Wishing your the very best for your future, and as always looking forward to your next offering. Phillip.

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Thank you, Phillip. I so appreciate your note of encouragement to persist and persevere. I know the feeling of quitting Facebook and Instagram. And I agree, after the initial buzz of quitting, it's easy to forget the strides and meaningful steps that happened afterward. I am so grateful you took the time to share your thoughts with me. I plan to share again this week (if all things go according to plan) so thank you for your encouragement. xoxo, sav

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I honor your authenticity — and how you weave humor into your writing too, Savannah. Your voice matters, and I can hardly believe you’re going to be in your Saturn Return shortly. It’s an honor to witness your blossoming — the truth —the courage — the grit and the grace— your sharing of you matters.

As for what I’m most proud of quitting? I’ve quit outsourcing my health care to people in white coats. I’ve found balance to utilize their tech and testing, yet the benefits I’ve gained in life from quitting the standard American food supply, antibiotics and cable tv — I’m proud to have grown to know my heart’s wisdom more and more. Life is a beautiful tapestry with highs and lows—I don’t come onto this platform much, yet I still appreciate your efforts to keep writing and sharing you.

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Thank you for your sweet and motivating words, Terra. Your way of seeing others is truly an art form. And regarding your quitting, what a powerful thing to quit--the outsourcing of your health and happiness. Thank you for taking the time to share your story and journey with healing, self-knowing, and honoring. xoxo, sav

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